Tailor-made Training and Development programmes – Our preferred option

FLAME Human Capital Management works in partnership with the client to tailor the solution to address the specific needs and requirements of your business. Tailoring our solutions to meet your needs begins at the first point of contact with your company. We need to know from the outset how your business operates whilst gaining an understanding of the business culture, structure, clients, business dynamics and key people.

From here, a set of bespoke practical exercises, such as case studies and role-plays are developed to complement the theoretical elements of the training course. For example, within a sales training course, this may mean developing scenarios that incorporate 'real' clients, 'real' competitors and other live information which helps to make the practical exercises as realistic as possible.

Our approach to tailoring has meant that delegates perceive our training as extremely credible which in turn has resulted in the implementation of real solutions to real problems within our clients businesses.

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